Now I am going to examine the nerves of you body, is that ok with you?
Can you count my fingers please? (IInd nerve)
Now I am going to throw light in your eyes, please look at the fixed spot on the
wall. (IInd nerve)
Now I am going to examine back of your eyes with the help of this instrument
called opthalmoscope, please look at a fixed spot on the wall
Now I want to follow my finger with your eyes and keep your head steady
(IIIrd, IVth, VIth nerve)
Can you please clench you teeth like this (Vth nerve)
(show the patient how to do it)
Do you feel this (touch pt. on face), now plz close your eyes and say whenever
you feel it (Vth nerve)
Can you please smile for me? (VIIth nerve)
Can lyou please frown for me? (VlIth nerve)
Can you please sho me your teeth? (VIIth nerve)
Do you hear this, is it equal on both sides? (VIIIth nerve)
Can you plz swallow for me? (IXth nerve)
Can you please shrug your shouldres for me? (XIth nerve)
Can you please turn your head against my hand? (XIth nerve)
(if you find everything normal you can mention)
You nerve functions seems to be preety normal
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