Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Domestic Abuse and Violence

Counseling and reassurance is extremely important part of a case of abuse.

You have to make the patient trust you persuade her to tell you all the details

You have to tell her that she does not deserve to be beaten and battering is against law.

You can counsel her in the following words

Ok Mrs. XYZ I want to make it clear that I understand your situation and I am here to help you, Please don't be afraid.

Its not your fault, you are not crazy or alone.

I will do everything to maintain safety of you and your children. You medical condition will be taken care of. You wont be forced to do anything against your will.

I assure you that everything between you and me is confidential and your records wont be released to anyone without your singned consent.

Violence has a tendency to escalate in frequency and severity and never ends on its own. The best solution is to get away form the batterer .

Ok Mrs XYZ; is it safe for you to go home. Do you have anyother place to go.

Would you like to speak to a domestic violence counsler?


A very important part of case domestic abuse is couseling about the emergency plan.

You can tell the patient

I would like you to pack some necessary items in a bag and spare some money that will be enough for at least a week and place it at your frined's or fmaily's place, so that incase of emergeny you can immediately leave your home.

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