The important point in counseling about alcohol consumption is to identify if the patient is an occasional drinker, moderate consumer or Alcohol abuser.
Occasional Drinker: is the one who drinks alcohol just socially or one, two drinks on weekends etc.
if the patient is a male or non pregnant female, no counseling is needed.
Moderated Consumer: who drinks daily or consumes heavily once a week for example need counseling, specially if they heave co morbid conditions
Alcohol Abuser: Heavy drinkers should be asked the screening test for Alcohol Abuse ie CAGE
questions. CAGE questions should be asked if alcohol abuse is chief complaint of the patient. The abuser should get additional counseling like Ant abuse or AA
CAGE questions are
Have you ever tried to Cut down on your drinking?
Have you ever been Annoyed by other person's criticism on you drinking habits?
Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking?
Have you ever consumed alcohol as first thing in the morning (Eye opener)?
Question about alcohol abuse should be asked during the past medical history, while asking the personal history. Refer to Smoking Cessation Counseling Section for details.
So during the personal history ask the patient;
Do you consume alcoholic drinks?
if the patient says yes, ask
How Frequently?
let him answer
How Much?
Note it down if you fear forgetting it, to mention it on you patient note.
Now ask about recreational drug use (i presume you have already asked about smoking)
Have you ever used any recreational drug?
Suppose the patient just drinks and is non-smoker and not a recreational drug user; than you can say; ( some thing same as smoking counseling, but with a bit of modificatoin)
Make an eye contact and say:
Mr XYZ being your physician I am very much cnocerned about your health. I have to tell you that you consume a lot of Alcohol, its not good for your health. It can damage your heart, it can damage your stomach and may even cause Cancer.
Pause to see the response for just a moment, then continue
I would like you to quit drinking as soon as possible. Are you willing to quit?
Pause to see the response, appreciate if positive
If you need any help just let me know, I am here to assist you.
For abuser add this sentence
There are certain help gourps like alcoholic anonymous if you want to join it let me know, I will call them and they will be happy to help you. Have you ever heard of drug called ant-abuse. I can prescribe you that, it will help you quit your drinking.
If you have time and the case is specific for alcohol abuse, tell the patient about AA and Pharmacologic options in a bit more detail.
For pregnant patinet whether she consumes alcohol or not, just tell her
I would recommend you to abosolutely quit alcohol consumption as it can be harmful for the baby
Tip: For Alcohol Consumption, you have to
1) ask a screening question
2) note the amount and duration to check if the patinet is just occasional, moderate drinker or abuser, and determine if counselling is needed
3) show your concern
4) tell him aobut the health hazards
5) advise to quit.
6) check his willingness to quit
7) encourage and appreciate if it is positive
8) offer help and assistance
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