Saturday, February 14, 2009

Getting Step 2 CS Appointment of Your Choice

Getting a suitable Step 2 CS appointment can be very frustrating specially for IMGs who have to travel a long distance (often half way around the world) to take their exam.
Right now at any given point of time, most of Step 2 CS appointments for next 4 to 6 months are already occupied.

Here is a method which worked for many friends of mine.

1) Subscribe for auto updates email for your desired center and time period.

2) Use your hotmail for update subscription. ( I didn't try it with yahoo and not sure if it works with it or not.

3) Open your Step 2 CS calender and Scheduling page. One page for each center of interest. For example one for Philadelphia, One for Chicago, One for Huston.

4)Sign in with your MSN Messenger. So that you see a pop up emerging from the MSN messenger short cut on task bar ( in the lower right corner of your screen) every time you receive a new email.

5)Upon receiving a new email about Step 2 CS appointment availability in Philadelphia eg. the pop up will read "Step 2 CS appointment available in Philadelphia"

6) Immediately go to the window in which you opened the calender for Philadelphia

7) Refresh it or just switch the month. Like if you are interested in November, keep the calender of December and immediately switch it to November after receiving email

8) Immediately grab the date and confirm it.

Note: To maximize you chances of success use a fast computer, a fast reliable internet
connection and a good internet explorer like Mozilla Firefox. Dont use sluggish explorer like chrome. And dont start chatting with your friends on MSN Messenger, until the task is finished. lol

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